6. Area of action - portfolio strategy

In addition to customer focus and implementation of sustainability, a manufacturing company's portfolio strategy must also take into account digitalization and rapid technological innovations. Companies should be flexible and agile in order to be able to react quickly to changing market requirements and customer needs. A continuous culture of innovation and the ability to generate and implement new ideas are crucial to remaining competitive.

Our services:

· Portfolio analysis (core range, discontinuation control) and product management analysis

· Building a customer journey analysis

· Implementation of ESG criteria in product development

· Help with the introduction of agile working methods

· Building a feedback process for customers

· Further company-specific and individual evaluations and recommendations for action depending on need and urgency

Your contact person:

Jörg Bakschas

Telephone: 49 160 975 633 93

Email: j.bakschas@alico-consulting.com

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