2nd field of action - crisis management

The ongoing supply crises (goods, services, energy) endanger the existence of many companies. How can a company strengthen its resilience to stacking crises and thus maintain its business activities? We have the combined experience, an eye for the essentials and the tools to make your company crisis-proof. Talk to us.

Our services:

  • Conducting a risk analysis and identifying sources of crises
  • Definition of an individual crisis strategy with targeted measures (supplier structure, value creation, cooperation)
  • Establishment and qualification of an internal crisis management team
  • Development of a risk management system with key figures for recording, documenting and controlling business risks
  • Development of emergency plans (sensitivity analysis)
  • Further company-specific and individual evaluations and recommendations for action depending on need and urgency

Your contact person:

Sebastian Groesslhuber

Telephone: 49 170 5627993


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